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Confidence Born of Preparation

camping, foraging, wilderness skills -

Get the basics of mushroom hunting, along with several easy campfire mushroom recipes...

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bug-out bag, camping, cooking, first aid, gear, survival, wilderness skills -

Here’s a list of our favorites - the best survival handbooks.

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camping, emergency water, hiking, survival, water filtration, wilderness skills -

Here's how to capture rainwater using just the shirt off your back, plus other rain catchment techniques that could save your life.

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camping, cooking, dutch oven, gear, power outage -

The Dutch oven is a true must-have in your off-grid arsenal. But don’t be fooled by its simplicity. It takes time and know-how to get the most out of a Dutch oven and to avoid burning or undercooking valuable food.

Read on for a guide to upping your Dutch oven skills in five steps.

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camping, checklist, food, gear -

Today is the perfect time to go over the basics of what to bring camping. Start getting your gear together now with this checklist of the top camping essentials.

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