Convenient Product To Have On Hand - If you don't have the time or ability to make taco meat for a taco salad, tacos, or even a casserole, then have Ready Hour Taco Flavored Vegetable Meat Substitute on hand. It's made of vegetables, and seasoned to perfection, ready for you to throw into your next vegetarian meal. Excellent product for those who are vegetarian, but meat lovers love this product for the high protein and great taste this meat substitute provides.

Great Versatile Product - Prepare a serving of it, add cheese, sour cream, your favorite nacho chips, and you have your own personal serving of nachos. Whether you take it camping with you, keep it in your pantry for a crisis, or use it for a large meal, you'll love the convenience of Ready Hour Taco Flavored Vegetable Meat Substitute.
Long Lasting - Ready Hour Taco Flavored Vegetable Meat Substitute lasts up to 10 years unopened, and one year once it is open. Store it in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity.
Ready Hour #10 Cans - There is no better container for your food. It is made of durable steel, it is waterproof, holds strong in harsh conditions, and stores easily on a shelf or in a closet. Unopened, it can even float.
Made in the USA from domestic and/or imported ingredients by hard working Americans.
Total calories 4,200. Weighs 3.2 lbs. It takes 0.5 gallons of water to make all servings.
Click here to view ingredients, preparation instructions and nutritional information