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Confidence Born of Preparation ®

skills, survival, wilderness skills -

Need to cross water? Then you need a raft. Create a dependable watercraft out of practically nothing with this step-by-step guide.

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gear, knives, skills, wilderness skills -

Don't face survival without a knife in-hand. Better yet... learn to make your own! Turn scraps into survival tools with our step-by-step guide.

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emergency water, survival, wilderness skills -

Secure a water supply no matter where you are with these easy-to-follow instructions.

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skills, survival, wilderness skills -

Don't let rain stop your fires. Learn how to master fire-starting in wet conditions and keep the heat coming.

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camping, emergency preparedness, gear, knives, skills, survival, wilderness skills -

Blacksmithing might not be on your survival checklist, but it should be. Now you can take it off grid.

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