Why Should You Prepare?
Many people ask the question of why should you prepare?
You should prepare because some emergencies come without any warning, requiring you to go days, weeks, or months without your basic necessities, and something may happen that makes it to where you need to evacuate your home.
Disasters happen all the time, and disrupt our food supply, as well as disrupt our lives. Damage to our homes as well as property can happen with certain disasters.
Preparing takes some time and planning, but you don’t need to do everything immediately. You can do it step by step. First you need to make plans that have to do with your location and what types of disasters occur where you live.
Why Should You Prepare?
Potentially Saving Lives – Varying Disasters require a different array of responses, being prepared for disaster emergencies can make a difference in saving lives of you, your family, and even neighbors.
Reduce Danger – When you know what disasters occur in your region and having a plan for them can greatly reduce the amount of danger your family is in when you prepare for them.
Reduce Uncertainty – Not having a complete understanding of a hazardous threat can leave you frightened and uncertain of what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Being prepared by knowing what to do reduces uncertainty.
Help Cope with Stress – Disasters are stressful events over which we have little or no control. The sudden disruption of everyday life, the experience of fear, feelings of uncertainty and a lost sense of safety are the common factors that make all disasters stressful.
Recovery – The better prepared you are, the faster your recovery from it will be.
Sense of Security – When you are prepared and know what to do when a disaster strikes, you are showing your children they are safe and secure in your home and don’t have anything to worry about. It establishes a sense of security in kids.
Responsibility – Making the necessary preparations for an emergency is part of taking care of your family and yourself.
Your Civic Duty – Instead of requiring assistance from first responders, you’ll be able to take care of yourself and your family.